Tag Archives: trustworthy

Building Trust

How Leaders Create Trust

trustSurveys of employees often ask what is the one attribute they look for in an effective leader. Trust always near the top of the list. Whether you are a manager, supervisor, salesman or team lead it is important to be trusted by those you deal with on a regular basis. Once that trust is lost, it is difficult to impossible to regained.Here are some suggestions on building and maintaining trust.… Read the rest

Bosses We have Loved

Lessons in Leadership 

The difference between bosses we love and bosses we hate is leadership. Think back over your leadershipcareer and remember those managers who you most admired. What can be learned from them and how can it make us better leaders? What were the traits or attributes we can identify? Let’s consider the five attributes listed below as a starting point. Are there others?

 The Starting Five Attributes of  Good Leadership 

1. Leadship By Permission, Not Authority

2. Trustworthy

3. Empathetic

4. Openly Human

5. Encourage Risk Taking… Read the rest