Tag Archives: employee absence

Don’t Make a Bad Hire

Better Hiring

 As our businesses and organizations return to a pre-virus status, our ownersHiring and managers are currently in a hiring mode. Because of the lack of applicants, one may be overly anxious to hire the first available candidate. Let us consider the cost and time wasted in hiring the wrong person and consider a better methodical approach.

Consider the time and cost associated with finding and evaluating candidates. There are first the media costs, whether you use a publication, a website or even social media. Newspaper adds are expensive. We even have seen television ads for finding help. Combine those out of packet costs with your time in reviewing applications and interviewing. If you nothing else that time diverts you from pursuing your daily business which is already stretched due to a lack of staff.… Read the rest

Employee Turnover


Employee Turnover

 turnoverAs you drive down the street in any town in this county the most prolific visible sign is “help wanted”. With an unemployment rate of 3.8 %, the replacement of those who leave is extremely difficult. Managers need to minimize turnover to maintain a workforce that can produce its products and service its customers. The Work Institute reports that in 2018, 42 million employees left the company where they had been employed. That amounts to one in every four people. The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) estimates that replacement costs to hire a new employee is $4,129.

Calculating Turnover Percentage

Let’s understand the term turnover rate. It is calculated as follows. First add the total number of employees at the beginning of a period to the total number of employees at the end of a period.… Read the rest


The Top 10 Signs That An Employee May Be In ‘Active Addiction’

addictionThe cost to business of employee addiction is tremendous. Many addicts (which includes alcoholics) become extremely skilled at hiding or explaining away events related to their addictions. Encouragement from an employer can be a powerful prompt to the employee to get appropriate treatment and so return to full productivity. (Note: Automatic termination of actively addicted employees is neither humane nor advisable. First, addiction is a disease, not a moral choice. Second, many people who are addicted may be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act.) Although some of the following may occur in employees who are not addicted, the more that apply, the more likely it is that the employee suffers from addiction in some form or other.… Read the rest

Employee Absence

 Steps to Stop Absence and Make People Happy At Work

absenceIf you’re an employer or manager, then work place absence is costing you money, inconvenience, and upsetting your customers. So we all know, not all days taken off work are due to genuine sickness. Many employees “take a sickie” because their morale is low and they just don’t like or can’t do their work.

The challenge for employers and managers is to make people happier at work. If people are happy at work, they are less likely to take a day off every time they wake up with a stuffy nose.

Some bosses think that paying more money, improving job security, or working conditions is the answer. It isn’t and it’s also something that can be very hard to achieve.… Read the rest