Author Archives: Michelle Mate


Recruiting and Working With Volunteers

volunteersIn his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins states, “The first thing is to get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus.” He, of course, is referring to the bus as being the company or organization. In our practice, we have worked with both for-profit and non-profit organizations.  In the for-profit world the people are employees, while in the non-profit world many of those people are volunteers. Strategic from 2013 have shown that 80% of the non-profit workforce are volunteers, total of 62.6 million. Leaders in non-profit organizations should recognize this important work force and learn how to best recruit, motivate and retain them. They need to appreciate why people volunteer, how to get them on-board and how to retain them.… Read the rest

Creating a Business Plan

How to Create a Successful Business Plan

business planI am often asked the same two questions. Do I need a business plan? What should I include in my business plan? I am going to answer these questions when writing this article. Do I require a business plan? For most businesses the answer to this question would be yes. For the majority of new businesses and ones which require investment by way of a loan or a business partner, a business plan is a must.… Read the rest

Plans That Work

Making Business Plans Work

plansMany of us have spent countless hours thinking about and documenting plans for either our business or non-profit organization. There is a sense of satisfaction with the completion of the final draft that is shared by all involved. Far too often that document is filed or left in a desk drawer to be revised in a year’s time. Many have even reported that they gave up on the planning process because it just didn’t work. I often remember the president of a very well-managed company once stating that the team had become expert on writing business plans, but not real good on making them a reality.

In their book Execution, The Discipline of Getting Things Done Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan discusses this very subject.… Read the rest

Small Business

Leadership in Small Business


If you are a small business owner, your role as a leader may be the least of your priorities. Most of your time is consumed by finding customers, supervising employees, watching your cash flow and delivering you services or products. You don’t want to consider leadership because that is what corporate executives and government leaders need to learn about. Not you. We would argue that you are a leader and understanding your leadership role is an important key to success. What are some of the lesson we can learn about leadership in business?… Read the rest

Come Join US

Chamber of Commerce

Success in any business, even the smallest, is dependent on several factors. These apply to worldwide corporations, non-profit charities, and even sole proprietorships. Of all these factors, leadership is one of the most important. If your business has only a few employees or if you are the only employee, how you exercise leadership can lead to great success or frustrating mediocrity. Come join us in this discussion at the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce Power Hour on Wednesday, September 9th 8:00 to 9:00 AM, at Planet Fun, 349 Whiteville Rd. Shallotte, NC.

Contact Megan Bishop

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Five Tips to Becoming A Coach In Everyday Life

coachingBe the change you want to see occur in the world around you. We can’t make other people be more considerate, helpful, honest, etc., but if everyone were to work on him or herself and develop these attributes, our world would be a better place. In this article, we will examine five attributes to becoming a coach in everyday life.

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Boys In The Boat

Organizational Alignment

organizationalI recently read the book, Boys in the Boat. It was a true story of a sculling team from the University of Washington, who through hard work and discipline became national champs and went on to win the 1936 Olympics in Germany. It’s a great story, set against the dramatic background of the Berlin Olympics hosted by Adolf Hitler. It describes how a rowing team developed into the fastest in the world. Of course, the members of the team need to be strong and fit, but there comes a point when all come together in harmony to maximize their performance. It is said that the team is only as fast as its slowest rower, but once they reach that synchronized harmony, they outpace the rest of the competitors.… Read the rest

What Keeps You Up at Night?

Organizational leaders often wake-up in the middle of the night and are unable to return to sleep because of some issue which needs to be addressed.advise Maybe it’s a caustic issue within the team. Maybe it’s a need to get their business to the next level. Often it’s a change in the environment or a growth in competition.

As an organization, we have seen a wide variety of situations of this type and we always make ourselves available for a discussion that might provide some insight. Never hesitate to contact us thru our website offer of Complimentary Advisory Service. Our discussion can either occur in person, by phone or on Skype.

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The Importance of Good Feedback

Enterprise Feedback Managementfeedback

Getting good feedback from customers and employees is vital for any business that expects to grow. Without knowledge, business leaders can not make educated decisions. Uneducated decisions lead to a higher rate of failure, which can have detrimental impacts on a business. Without high quality information, a business owner is flying blind.… Read the rest

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking – Your Secret Weapon

Learning, growing, and changing is possible with the right attitude and focus. All individuals have the ability to master their individual talents and be the best they can be! There are people who scoff at this philosophy and espouse limiting beliefs. However, that is the fundamental difference between positive thinking and foolish thinking. We all have the innate ability to be the best of who we were meant to be.

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Business Plan

Developing a Business Plan

There are many important steps to consider when developing a business plan for your iStock_000009265701_Fullcompany, but the first step is to fully understand the main uses of a business-plan. The four main uses of a business-plan are as follows:

  • A Business Plan is a written document that you can use in your search for external financing.
  • A Business Plan is a tactical planning and management tool for your business.
  • A Business Plan is a document showing the capacity of your team to control and manage all the aspects of the company.
  •  A Business Plan brings you new ideas to refine your project by checking and estimating the induced hypothesis.
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Board Engagement

Board Engagement
How Does it Drive Non-Profit Organizational Success?

non-profitHaving worked with and been a part of a number of non-profit boards of directors, we have observed a range of involvement, producing a wide range of results. Some boards were highly organized and had very little involvement with the day-to-day activities of the organization. Others were more loosely organized but served functional roles, like fund raising, within the non-profit. To better understand the effect boards have on the success of organizations, we joined with Springboard International to conduct interviews the CEOs and Board Chairs. These leaders represented local, regional and national organizations. The complete results of this work is available in a white paper entitled, A Conversation about Board Engagement on our website: the rest

Upcoming June Events

June 18-19, Raleigh NC,


 Southeastern Association of School Business Officials

Understanding and Managing Behavior Differences

What are the different behavioral styles. How do they effect the environment in the workplace and your personal life? The session will identify the different styles and the traits attributable to each style. We will learn how to communicate with and adapt to each style.… Read the rest


Success Is

“Success is … the continual achievement of your own predetermined goals, stabilized by balance, and purified by belief.” – Resource successAssociates Corporation

In real life many people get stuck in a professional or personal position where goals are defined for them. The result is frustration where no one feels fulfilled and the goals often are never reached.… Read the rest


Leadership Starts With Setting Clear Objectives

leadershipTo achieve a goal, there is a process that you should implement. This process is to streamline and analyze your objectives. Begin at the very beginning at the smallest, specific part. These are the most important steps to take to meet the guidelines. An objective is a way of knowing what action or plan is to be taken and identifying the expected results. This plan provides a set of directions so that making the decision will not be as complicated as when the goal is just being considered.

Peter Drucker documented a book published in 1954 entitled Practiced Management where in MBO, which stands for “Management by Objectives,” was introduced. This is a program that consists of simple, but very useful processes in order to meet commitments in an organization.… Read the rest


Enhancing Commitment from Volunteers

Non-profit organizations rely heavily on volunteers to perform a number of important roles. They may serve on their board of directors, on an operating committee, in a staff role, or help with an annual event. Unlike a commercial organization where the employees are motivated to a large extent by wages and salaries, non-profit volunteers contribute for non-financial reasons. It is important to understand the leadership tools which can be used to properly motivate these valued contributor’s.volunters

American psychologist Abraham Maslow developed a model which is known as the Hierarchy of Needs. His theory is that there are several levels of human needs where each lower level needs to be satisfied before the next higher can be realized.… Read the rest

Conflict in A Group

Minimizing Group Conflicts

In our discussions with business leaders, they often express frustration with the inability of people in their department or company to work together without distracting conflict. They say:


  • Why don’t they work well together?
  • Some refuse to even talk to a particular individual.
  • I don’t understand why people act the way they do.
  • Why don’t they see things the way I do?

Overcoming these issues is never simple, but the common approach is referred to as team building. This approach is often accompanied by direct types of game planning, where team members participate in a variety of activities. The games are helpful exercises, after which a facilitator helps the group discuss the lessons learned. We have used this technique on several occasions and we find the results interesting.… Read the rest

Upcoming May Events

Thursday, May 14, 2015, Wilmington NC

North Carolina Association of Volunteer Administration

          Enhancing Commitment from Volunteers

Most non-profits rely on their volunteers for support and services. Those volunteers profit the human  captial so valuble to the organization. Enhancing their comitment is critical to organizational growth, service, and success.… Read the rest