Author Archives: Michelle Mate

Business Leadership

Leadership and Influence

leadershipAs a business person managing a small or medium size company, you may not be able to relate the subject of leadership to success in your business. If fact, when you see the subject as the topic of this article, you may choose to slip it and move on. So no matter whether you are a one person business or have a staff of dozens, leadership is critical to your continued success. When you think of a leader in a successful business, ask yourself:

What specific personality characteristic does this person possess?

How does this person relate to others, professionally and socially?

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Overtime Overhaul: Review Proposed Changes Now Before Final Rule Announced

Overtime rule expected to be costly

By Allen Smith  5/10/2016

overtimeAs HR professionals wait anxiously for the release of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) final changes to the overtime exemptions, it’s becoming clear that the new rule will cost many employers a lot of money. But the revised standard also will create an opportunity for HR to correct some past mistakes.

Employers will spend $592.7 million to comply with the new rule, the DOL estimated, saying that each of the 7.4 million affected establishments will need one hour to get up to speed on the changes. The department calculated that it will cost $254.5 million for businesses to become familiar with the regulation; $160.1 million to make necessary adjustments; and $178.1 million in managerial costs… Read the rest


The Top 10 Signs That An Employee May Be In ‘Active Addiction’

addictionThe cost to business of employee addiction is tremendous. Many addicts (which includes alcoholics) become extremely skilled at hiding or explaining away events related to their addictions. Encouragement from an employer can be a powerful prompt to the employee to get appropriate treatment and so return to full productivity. (Note: Automatic termination of actively addicted employees is neither humane nor advisable. First, addiction is a disease, not a moral choice. Second, many people who are addicted may be covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act.) Although some of the following may occur in employees who are not addicted, the more that apply, the more likely it is that the employee suffers from addiction in some form or other.… Read the rest

Raising Nonprofit Funds

Nonprofits Marketing

planPeter Drucker tells us that, “Napoleon said there were three things needed to fight a war. The first is money. The second is money. And the third is money. That may be true for war, but it’s not true for non-profit organizations. There you need four things. You need a plan. You need marketing. You need people. Any then you need money.” Let’s start by considering marketing. If your non-profit is funded by an endowment or a wealth donor, this may not be of much interest. For most of us it is an issue which must be addressed in order to sustain our activities.

So many think that they don’t need marketing. In fact, they consider the term unsavory.… Read the rest

Team Success

Why Team Building Is Vital to Your Success

motivationGreat teamwork is one of the most important keys to your organization’s success. The more harmoniously people work together, the better it is for your overall efforts. Teamwork is the way that things get done these days and if you don’t have a cohesive team, you’re seriously handicapping your company out in the marketplace. Team building is necessary for success because it’s unnatural for people to come together in a new group and immediately begin to get along. Throughout history, building a team has been the function of shared experiences and history. When that experience and history is lacking, it’s difficult for a group to share a common vision and goal, or to function together in a way that promotes the best qualities of each team participant.… Read the rest

Business Knowledge

A Lack of Knowledge of the Business They Are In

business In his book, The E-Myth Revisited Michael Gerber describes the roles played by different personalities within a business.  The first is the technician, who actually does the work or delivers the service in the business. The second is the manager, who organizes and controls the business on a daily basis. The third is the entrepreneur who best understand the business environment and leads it though changes necessary for continued success. One might conclude that knowledge of actual working in the business or managing the operation of the business does not always lead to success. What leads to success is knowledge of how a business needs to operate within its competitive market place.… Read the rest

Vision of Success

Envisioning Success

Charles Kettering, famous inventor and founder of Delco, once said, “We should be all successconcerned about the future because we will spend the rest of our lives there.” The ability to have a vision of what you personally perceive as success is a key element in your business venture and your personal life. Where are you going and what will in look like when you get there? A meaningful vision not only provides direction, but it helps people find meaning in their work and a reason to excel.… Read the rest

The Vision

Making the Vision Happen


It is a very rare association or non-profit who has not developed and written a Strategic Plan. If they have not, they should. It is also not unusual that, after a relatively short period of time, the work put into creating that plan is forgotten and results expected are not achieved. At the core of the Strategic Plan is the Vision for the organization. Let’s consider ways to move the organization towards that Vision and overcome some of the obstacles along the way.

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Successful Leaders

9 Characteristics That Successful Leaders Have in Common

leadersRunning a non-profit and want to understand what successful organizational people have in common? What kind of life, and organization, do you want to run? This is the kind of goal many people have in mind when they begin to forge ahead with their business ideas. The truth is that successful people have 9 characteristics in common. We all have the potential for greatness if we can train ourselves to keep these in mind as we go about our business day.… Read the rest

Success and Failure in Business

One of our passions at RLS Focused Solutions is to help businesses be successful and successsustainable. Each business must define for itself what success means. It may be just to make a good living or it might be to grow and prosper. Our definition of sustainability is that it will be prosperous, not just at a point in time, but well into the future. We are one of approximately 600 worldwide members of Resource Associates Corporation who has reported the results of work done to determine the difference between successful and unsuccessful business people. Let us consider their findings.

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12 Tips to Polishing Your Business Planplan

A business plan is a working document through which you set your goals and trace progress towards increased success. There may come the opportunity to present that plan to investors or a financial institution. Listed below are a list of tips to make that presentation more effective.… Read the rest

Team Building Activities

Ideas for team building activities can include virtually anything that involves getting your peopleteam to interact, cooperate, communicate, and hopefully have some fun at the same time. This is a great way to get staff away from the rules and roles of the office and take a break from the projects and pressures everyone has been dealing with, yet still work on developing transferable skills to take back to work. Some of the essentials of team building include:

  • emphasizing a team focus on shared goals- maintaining individual commitment to these goals
  • identifying problem areas and working together to overcome these
  • developing clear strategies to achieve goals
  • celebrating achievements together
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Building Your Team

Building Your Team

Can You Wait for Your Kids to Grow Up

teamAs a new business owner, your role may  encompass all of the important aspects of the company. Sure, you may have had employees, but they were assigned specific tasks and you kept an eye on everything they did. You were the salesman, the supervisor, the customer service contact, the scheduler of the work, and even the bookkeeper. But as your business grows, you feel yourself pulled in many directions. You cannot effectively completely cover all the roles you filled in the past.… Read the rest


Working with Volunteers

volunteersMany organizations rely on volunteers to help provide services. These may include charities, recreational organizations, hospitals, social groups, civic clubs, and governmental services. These volunteers become a vital part of providing those services, yet in many cases they are taken for granted. Learning to properly use the skills and energy within these volunteers can be a major contributor to the success of these non-profits.… Read the rest

Creating Success in 2016

Start Your Year Off Right / Goals for a Successful 2016

successfulThis program, originally announced in the Quill last month is also available to organizations and groups. It is ideally suited for groups of six to eight people from one company or organization. It would provide the organizational leadership, such as department heads, an organized forum during which they could review their 2015 accomplishment and set their goals for 2016. Our program for the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce will include representative from a number of diversified business and is described in the last month’s article.… Read the rest


How Important Are Your Employees

employeesMost businesses invest in marketing and advertising each month but overlook another vital investment that they are already making–that investment is their employees. Your employees can make or break your company, and recently I ran into a very poignant example of that fact.… Read the rest

Part Time Employees

Part Time Employees

The Face of Your Organization

employeesCompanies and organizations often use part time employees to serve in a limited role. They are not paid as well as full-timers, sometimes do lower level work, and may have a limited career track. They may be moms who have priorities at home, seniors who no longer want a 40 hour work week, or college students looking to earn some money to supplement expenses. They are hired to reduce operating costs, fill leftover hours from full time employees, deal with an economic downturn, or seasonal requirements. Between 2000 and 2010 the number of employees working part time increased by 300 % or 9 million people.… Read the rest

Creating Success in 2016

Start Your Year Off Right / Goals for a Successful 2016

successfulRLS Focused Solutions, in conjunction with the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, is offering an opportunity to help you achieve a more successful 2016. The workshop will be offered on  Friday January 15th.  They will be held at the Chamber Conference. Room It will begin at 8:00 AM and conclude no later than 2:00 PM. A working lunch from the Purple Onion will be included.… Read the rest

Take Action

Take Action to Achieve Success

Few people really understand how important taking action is to success. We all know the old timesaying, Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda, when we see an opportunity slip away. I know I have said, I THOUGHT OF THAT YEARS AGO! about some new gadget I came across. I didn’t take action. I let small problems be excuses for not moving forward with the things I truly want.… Read the rest