Author Archives: Bob Stinson

Successful Hiring


Successful Hiring

In our over 20 years of business coaching with both small businesses and nonprofitsHiring one of the main issues is hiring. So often the manager or owner involved makes a bad hiring decision. As a business coach we hope to make the hiring decision one which produces excellent employees in the majority of cases. We recommend a hiring process with a number of steps that provides  improved results. Here is an outline of those steps.

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Free Webinar

Resilient Leadership

Rebounding from the Coronavirus

In a previous article we discussed Resilient Leadership during a crisis. In June we presented, in conjunction with the Brunswick County Chamber of Commerce, a webinar entitle Resilient Leadership, Rebounding from the Coronavirus. That Zoom webinar was recorder and is available through this Link. Hope you find it useful.


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Nonprofit Leadership During a Crisis

Resilient Leadership

 You started the year with great plans and expectations, but sometime during the leadershipmonth of March, the work seemed to end. You may have had to close your office and possibly work from home. Your staff may have become apprehensive about working with clients. The annual fundraising event may have been canceled or postponed. You found yourself disheartened and in a state of crisis.… Read the rest

Focus on the Plan

Staying Focused

focused So often we find that a business or a nonprofit organization has wandered into an area which might not be consistent with their Mission. They are spending time and energy addressing some idea that diverts them from the important issues which need to be addressed. Let me remind you that our business name is RLS Focused Solutions. One of the roles of a business coach is to remind the client not to lose their focus.… Read the rest

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning And Leadership

Are you focused on a successful future?

strategic plan Well-managed, competitive companies have accepted the leadership challenge of creating an effective strategic plan for their business and sharing it with everyone in the organization. In doing so, they position themselves to respond to opportunities, rather than react to market conditions and competitive pressures.

Too many business people view weak market conditions or a poor economy as the reason for their lack of success. However, even in the worst economy, leaders in every field emerge victorious. Why? Because they realize that success is not based on the conditions of the world, but on the decisions they make and the goals that they choose to set and achieve. Success doesn’t just happen.… Read the rest

Hiring Motivation and the KASH Box

The KASH Box


 During several of our seminars we often project the illustration shown here on the right. Upon noticing it, the most common question is: “What is this?”

This is referred to as the KASH Box and as we explain its purpose and meaning, the listener usually nods their head and smiles. They often said, “I’ve believed this for years, but I never saw it expressed this way. Seeing it reinforces what I’ve always known.”… Read the rest

Trust at Work


Trust and Leadership

trustI believe at the core of leadership is whether the leader is trusted by others. Would you be motivated to believe and follow a manager who you did not trust? How would the staff work to accomplish the plans and goals put forward by that leader or manager? Whether you are the owner of a business, the leader of a nonprofit, or a government official, leadership starts with Trust.

This is true not only in leadership, but in all business transaction. I was once  involved in the sale of a business to a venture capital organization. Although there was substantial due diligence and extensive legal scrutiny before the finalization of the contract, one of the principles made a memorable statement.… Read the rest

New Year Plan

A Time to Plan

planThis is that time of year when we reflect on the events of the previous year and begin to plan for the current year. Think back over the last year and think what you learned from your failures and successes. We hope to be lifetime learners and understand that much of our education comes from our practical experience. Therefore, let’s build our future with what we learned for the past.

In thinking back over 2019 ask yourself:

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